Ed Young Art: Changing Styles

Ed YoungEd Young Art isn’t the type of gallery to keep it normal. Between exquisite calligraphic styles to simple airbrush designs. Ed Young opened his gallery with a sense of purpose and mission to do something a little eccentric yet still considered mainstream enough to sell of in. The gallery sells both online and in the flesh, yet Ed Young knows that in order to make it his gallery needs a strong virtual presence.

Look South For Help

Can it be? Can South America be moving to up-stage its northern neighbors in USA? It sure seems that way. Gonzalo Sosa from Investments Argentina reports about Argentina’s Industrial growth expanded through the end of 2010. This expansion should continue through 2011. Two recently released industrial reports, one from Orlando Ferreres and the other from the Industrial Union of Argentina show between a 13.4% and 13.9% for Argentina’s Industry. If you ask my opinion, its time to look South for some successful investments

Gift Ideas

Now is definitely the time of year when gift-giving is on everyone’s mind. Of course buying presents for the children in your life always take precedence. While kids of pre-school age and above can – and usually will – let you know exactly what they want, babies and toddlers cannot tell you what’s at the top of your wish list. Whether for holidays or birthdays or any other day that you want to buy the little boy or girl in your life a gift, here are a few tips:

Be Age Specific – there is a reason why toys come with an age range; they usually tell you important information about either the safety or interest-level of the item.

Be practical – don’t buy toys that require 6 batteries; don’t buy an all-white outfit for a baby just learning to crawl or walk.

Think out of the box – how about a donation to a kids’ charity instead of yet another toy? Or perhaps a gift certificate to an activity center that parent and toddler can enjoy together?

Gift-giving can be overwhelming, but if you put a bit of thought and creativity into the planning, then the actually purchasing might even be fun – and the giving definitely will be!

Benefit From TV

While it is virtually impossible to prevent your kids from staring at that TV screen, it is important to maximize the positive aspects of their television watching. Try the following:
1. Check TV listings and program reviews for shows that make for good family viewing. Watch shows together – and then talk about them afterwords. Use the program as a starting-off point to discuss your family’s views and values or to learn more about the subject featured on the program.
2. If you are going to permit your child to watch a program alone (or with friends), watch it first.
3. Check the ratings – these age-group rating tools are there for your benefit
4. Plan a family TV schedule that everyone can agree on – then ensure that the schedule is enforced.
5. Plan fun and interesting alternatives to TV watching – arts and crafts, reading, board games, outdoor activities, a cooking evening – the choices are endless!

How Much TV does your child watch?

TVTV is a ubiquitous part of modern living for everyone – including your average toddler. The amount of TV even our smallest children watch may surprise you. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF):

· two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day

· kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs

· kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games

How much should they be watching? And how can you transform their screen time into a learning experience? More on that in future postings.