The Importance of Sunlight

In today’s world, everyone knows about the potential risks involved with too much sun. Talk of sunburn, skin cancer, premature wrinkles and other conditions are very common. It is true that over-exposure can result in serious problems, but what people seem to be forgetting is that sunlight is a completely necessary part of our lives; both long-term and on a daily basis. A moderate amount of sunlight can actually be incredibly beneficial for your skin.

Aside from giving your skin a healthy complexion, regular sun exposure can actually help your skin develop a natural resistance to ultra-violet light. This is usually seen as what we call a tan. A tan is a result of increased production of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a pigment which the body produces to defend itself from harmful rays.

The dangerous ultraviolet rays are not only harmful to humans; they can kill viruses, bacteria, molds, fungi and mites in the water, air and even on your skin. The exposure to the rays in the sun can improve skin diseases like acne, boils, athletes foot, diaper rash, psoriasis and eczema.
Sunlight can also stimulate your appetite as well as improve digestion, elimination and metabolism. Regular doses of sunlight can be good for your immune system as well. It can increase the number and performance of white blood cells in the body, as well as improve circulation.
Sunlight also has psychological effects. Studies have shown that sunlight can improve a person’s mood. This is even more apparent in the winter month when sunlight is scarce. The natural light of the day also increases melatonin production in the body. Melatonin is a hormone that enhances sleep.
Last but not least, sunlight helps the body produce Vitamin D, a substance that lowers cholesterol levels.