Trading in Basketball Shoes to Dance with the Stars

In recent news, Los Angeles Lakers star Ron Artest has just announced that he’ll be dancing with the stars this year. During Monday night’s live Dancing with the Stars announcement in L.A., they revealed that Artest will, indeed, be dancing with the best and worst this year.

Artest explained how he came to this decision. While the idea of dancing was not appealing to him when the idea first arose, he explained that “my daughter Diamond was like, Daddy, you should do it.”

And the rest was history. Diamond, Artest’s 8 year old daughter, battled cancer when she was 4. Artest saw the Dancing roll as a chance to fulfill his daughter’s wish and to raise money for cancer research. As he said to People magazine, “I’m going to donate the profits.”

Dancing’s new season will kick off on Monday, September 19 on ABC.

Joy Behar Finally Says “I Do” After 29 Years

So, it took 29 years of dating to finally tie the knot, but who’s counting. In a situation that just might make it into the Guinness Books, the View co-host Joy Behar has finally tied the knot with her incredibly long-standing boyfriend, Steve Janowitz.

After dating for 29 years, the two finally decided to go ahead and commit. Married over the weekend on August 11th in New York City in a private ceremony, Joy Behar promises to discuss the big day on September 6th on The View, when the show returns for its 15th season.

Behar has called Janowitz her “spousal equivalent” for all these years, and she even made plans to wed in 2009. Cold feet, however, caused her to break off the engagement that time.

Hopefully, her feet will stay warm this time around.

Picture from Splash New Online.