Six Reasons to Get Your Sleep

Chronic sleep loss can have a real effect on your health. If you occasionally miss a few hours of sleep,it’s not a big deal, but serious sleep disorders should be dealt with, and here’s why:

  1. Sleep helps the brain absorb new information to the memory. This process is called memory consolidation, and studies have shown that people who lack sleep have a harder time remembering things.
  2. Sleep directly affects the mood. Sleep loss can result in impatience, touchiness, mood swings and lack of concentration. Chronic sleep loss often results in depression as well. Even occasional fatigue influences your mood and makes your day very hard to get through. Fatigue can result in thirst, nausea, lightheadedness and even a fever.
  3. Sleep has a direct effect on our hormone levels and metabolism. Continuous sleep deprivation can cause weight gain and other metabolic issues.
  4. Sleep can also affect our cardiovascular health. Studies have linked sleep disorders with increased stress levels, hypertension and irregular heartbeats.
  5. Sleep loss can reduce the immune system’s efficiency.
  6. Last, but definitely not least, sleep loss can result in a tendency to fall asleep during the day- in the middle of an activity. This can lead to falls, medical mistakes and road accidents.

The Health Benefits of Having a Pet

petPets are not only great companions; recent studies have shown that animal owners may be healthier than the pet-less.

First of all, children who grow up with regular exposure to a pet develop a stronger immune system They are also less likely to be affected by allergies and asthma. In addition, exposure to pets from a young age also lessens the risk of developing eczema. Animals tend to be outside more than humans, and are exposed to more types of dirt and microorganisms. When children are exposed to these substances from a young age, the eliminate foreign bodies from the children’s imune systems more quickly and effectively.

Studies have shown that Alzheimer’s patients have less-frequent anxiety outburst if they have an animal in their home. The fresh air acquired while caring for the pet, as well as the companionship, lowers stress and blood pressure.

In general, pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression. Playing with a dog, especially out of doors, can increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the blood. These nerve transmitters are known to have relaxing qualities.

Heart attack survivors have been proven to live longer if there is a pet in their home. Pet owners have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

Knuckle Cracking- The False and the Facts

crucking_knuckleKnuckle cracking refers to the action of moving joints in such a way that they produce a sharp popping sound. This is most common in the form of deliberate knuckle cracking, but it can also happen in other joints throughout the body such as in between the neck and back vertebrae, in the wrists, elbows, toes, shoulders, knees or jaw. Sometimes, loud popping sounds can be caused unintentionally, as a result of the snapping of tendons or scar tissue over a prominence such as a hip.

The intentional sounds are generally made when the fingers are bent into a position which the muscles cannot reach on their own, for example bending the finger away from the palm (-extension), pulling them away from the hand (-distraction), compressing a knuckle in the direction of the palm (-flexion) or twisting the finger (-torsion). Cracking a joint that has been used recently is widely considered to be palliative.

The physical cause of the sounds is actually unclear. The most popular hypothesis is that the small, vacuum-like bubbles form within the synovial fluid of the joint, and then collapse in a sudden manner, producing the sound, similar to the sound which can be made while manipulating material such as silly-putty. This is the most likely theory because it can be applied to all joints, and, studies have shown that gases are released from the joints when they are cracked.

The often-heard warning “cracking your knuckles can give you arthritis” is a myth. However, knuckle-crackers are more likely to have hand swelling with overuse. The habit itself is put in the same negative category as nail biting and such, but the real health repercussions are scarce.

Cellphone Radiation, Dangerous or Not?

Cell-Phone-RadiationDid you know that every cell phone comes with a warning that it might be unhealthy to hold the phone near your head or stuffed in your pocket? This warning about the hazards of cell phone use comes on a tiny slip of paper which you probably barely even noticed when you unpacked your phone, right before you either held it next to your ear to make a call, or stuffed in your pocket so you could take it with you, since it is called a ‘mobile’ phone in some places.

Some companies even have a recommended distance to keep the phones away from your head and/or body. Apple declares that iPhones should be kept a minimum of 5/8 of an inch away, while the manufacturer of BlackBerry says one inch is the optimum safe distance.

Devra Davis, an epidemiologist recently published a book entitled “Disconnect” about cellphone radiation, which explains that the question of whether the low-level radiation produced by cellphones is hazardous has not been conclusively proven one way or another.

What Are Fish Oils and Omega 3?

You have undoubtedly heard of “Omega-3” or fish oils and their miraculous effects on health. The huge amount of information or just pure skepticism may have discouraged you from pursuing the topic, but fish oils are in fact a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are indeed incredibly healthy.
Omega 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory qualities, which can be highly effective when it comes to reducing pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, cystitis, and prostatitis. The Omega 3 in fish oils have also been shown to regulate the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. This plaque can break loose and cause blockage of arteries which lead to the brain or other vital organs and result in a stroke. The fatty acids in fish oils have been proven to break up the clots before the condition becomes serious. The Omega 3 acids also help reduce LDL, the ‘bad’ cholesterol in the body, and increase HDL, the ‘good’ cholesterol. These compounds greatly reduce the risk of numerous cardiovascular disorders. People who get a lot of Omega 3 in their diets are also less prone to psychiatric issues and depression. These oils can help eliminate skin disorders and promote a healthy complexion as well.
Women who have a healthy intake of Omega 3 fatty acids may be reducing the risk of childhood disorders in their babies. Pregnant women should add fish oils to their diet to help the development of their fetus’s eyes and brain.